Thursday, January 14, 2010


Sometimes I forget that I live on an island. I am accustomed to seeing the ocean as I drive down the hill to the commissary and don’t even notice it anymore. We haven’t actually been to the beach in a while. I get so frustrated that I can’t buy the things I want, I feel so limited and think things like “What is this? It’s like I live on an island in the middle of nowhere!” Yes Tracey, you do. Last Saturday Tom and I took advantage of free babysitting for military families (offered the first Saturday of the month if you sign up.) With our free day we took a bike ride together out to a lighthouse, about a 30 mile ride. It was a fantastic ride and the view was great. As I looked out over the rocks at the deep raging water below I was reminded again that in deed, I do live on an island, surrounded by a gigantic ocean. It was breathtaking and very humbling.

So much has happened lately making me realize how fragile life is. I struggle to fight off fear and anxiety and replace it with a sense of peace and making the most of what blessings we currently enjoy. I have many friends dealing with death, cancer and other trials. Then the earthquake in much heartache...I understand that it is all part of “life” and a necessary part of God’s plan but it doesn't change my desire to somehow take away the pain. I have a friend who was just recently diagnosed with cancer and part of her response is to be grateful that it is her and not her husband or children because she knows she just couldn’t watch and at least now she can fight. I admire her courage and outlook. I am constantly surrounded by so many people full of strength, faith and courage, I hope some of it rubs off on me. And I hope, that while I feel guilty enjoying such a feeling of fullness and joy in my life, I can help ease the burden for someone else.


  1. I can totally relate to what you feeling - not the part about living on an island in the middle of nowhere : ) The second part of your post. I too feel very blessed, but am surrounded by people with major trials. It is hard not to worry - I sometimes feel like I'm just waiting for "my turn." But I am amazed at the faith of those around me. I have a secret fear that if I were in their shoes I would be angry. I hope not. I hope, like you said, that they are rubbing off on me!

    Glad things are well for you guys and that you enjoying life on that island in the middle of nowhere : )

  2. I can SO relate to your words, Tracey...I sometimes feel suffocated by the pain and suffering of those around, friends, strangers in the news. There is so much pain and suffering in the world. I am amazed by some people's strength...and can't imagine handling it as gracefully. I know I just have to hold onto the knowledge that Heavenly Father loves us all and He is in charge...but some days I just wish it didn't have to be so hard.

  3. I think that's so great that you and Tom have found something to do together that you both love! Those pictures were very cool at the lighthouse.

    I also constantly wish I could take the pain away from so many people who are suffering in my life. I admire the ones that remain so positive when things are bleak. It's a good reminder for me to be positive and thankful for my many blessings.
