HAYDEN scored his first goal in his soccer game on Saturday! He is usually the goalie so this was one of his rare opportunities and he was awesome! The team has only scored a handful of goals all season (you know how those little 5-6 year old teams are.) We are really proud of him and he is loving soccer and wants to practice all the time!
DANICA got her haircut and sat so nicely in the chair like a big girl. She was very serious and wouldn’t smile for the pictures (she was too focused) but then she would flash me a shy smile. She was even willing to tell the woman “Arigato” and gave her some yen as a tip. (This is a big step for the child who previously wouldn’t talk to adults she knew, let alone strangers! Also, you don’t actually tip in Japan,however, the salon is on base where it is still customary to tip even though the employees are local Japanese women.)
ALYSSA gets excited to see her sister every time she wakes up and runs around pointing and saying “Danica.” She has a best friend, a little boy named Oliver and they follow each other everywhere playing together nicely and pointing and calling out each other’s name in excitement. Today she was walking up the stairs at the park and I heard her counting each stair, she only got to three but I was impressed!
TOM and I had a phenomenal experience last week. Elder David A. Bednar came to speak to our district! He is in Asia visiting branches and missions and we were fortunate enough to get him and his wife for an evening. Along with him was the Area Authority of the 70 with his wife and the mission president and his wife. It was from 7-9 so we got a babysitter and went to listen without distractions. (That alone was a treat!) Elder Bednar opened the meeting to a question session and let people ask him things they have always wanted to know about General Authorities or about the church. We learned a lot, the spirit was strong and it was great having him so close and so candid.
TOM recently did his fitness test for the Navy and was able to max out on everything, running, push-ups and sit-ups. He wouldn’t tell you all this but I am really proud of him and his perfect 300! After the test his clinic had a work retreat and went to the Forest Adventure Park and enjoyed the zip-lines and fun! Check out the ocean view you get while soaring down the sip line!
TRACEY (me) turned 30!!!! I figure I’m still young enough to admit my age. I had a fantastic birthday and was truly spoiled by my friends and family. I slept in and woke up to Hayden saying “Happy Birthday!” After taking him to school I dropped the girls off at my friend Joy’s house and had the morning all to myself! It was beautiful weather so I went for a long run (10 miles), showered with no one bugging me and then did a little shopping. I decided I wanted to go out to lunch and didn’t want to go alone so I picked Hayden up from school and he was my lunch date! We had a great time together. Then I picked up the girls and we had nap time and such. Then at 5:00 I took all the kids to my friend Tatyana’s house and she took them for a picnic dinner and soccer practice while Tom and I went out to dinner! I chose to go to Kabaab’s an Indian Restaurant. They have this chicken karma that I just love! It’s a white curry and is delicious. It’s ironic it took moving to Japan to get me to like Indian food, but hey, when you can’t pick Olive Garden or Red Robin you have to go somewhere! After dinner we picked up the kids and enjoyed a nice Key Lime Pie with candles as my cake, it was great! Then we watched American Idol and put the kids to bed. It was a fantastic birthday! I decided that some things really do get better with time. My 20th birthday was miserable!!! I was home from BYU for the spring/summer semester living with my parents, I had a lousy job, no friends nearby and my boyfriend was in Jerusalem for the semester. My journal doesn’t even mention the fact that is was my birthday, it just talks about being depressed! And to top it off, I am quite certain I could not have run 10 miles back then, especially not “just for fun!” Hooray for being 30!!!
FAMILY Camping! Last weekend we went on the branch camp out and slept in a tent with the whole family for the first time. I can’t say the sleeping was great but the trip was a blast! It’s called Okuma and is a resort run by the Air Force. It’s right on the beach, has a playground, mini-golf, bikes, go-carts, and my personal favorite Wave Runners!!! This was a fantastic weekend. I think Hayden’s favorite part was the s’mores, he was a master marshmallow roaster!