I was scooping their ice cream last night, based on their individual requests and just had to laugh as I realized how much it is a commentary on their personalities. Hayden and Danica could not be more opposite and Alyssa is somewhere in the middle. But just like Vanilla and Chocolate, they're all good!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
My Children
I was scooping their ice cream last night, based on their individual requests and just had to laugh as I realized how much it is a commentary on their personalities. Hayden and Danica could not be more opposite and Alyssa is somewhere in the middle. But just like Vanilla and Chocolate, they're all good!
Tom's Dive

We were about 2-3 away from him at this point. The guy I was with had a camera with a nice flash to get some pictures.

I had the chance to go diving with some friends of mine after work last friday. It turned out to be a beautiful day. I just kick myself every day that I did not get certified earlier but that is life. I want to take advantage of the last few months we have here to do as much as I can. Here are some pictures of the dive. The second dive we saw this cool cuddlefish and also a sea turtle. You can see how the cuddle fish changed its color as it back away. It was just a really cool experience.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Hayden's Big Day

This is a very special day in our family. Today Hayden was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. He has been looking forward to this day and is excited for what it means. I would like to take the time to write more but I know the grandparents are anxious for a report so I will hurry and share the basics now. Hayden chose to be baptized in the ocean, an Okinawan tradition that is still an option because there is not a good font to use in the church building. We tried to do it back in February but the wind was so strong that the current was to rough and the waves were too big to get in the water. So after much waiting, it was finally today. The weather made us nervous a few times today but it held out and ended up being wonderful. It was warm enough and the wind stayed down and it didn’t rain. We had only one set back, the tide was really low. Although we tried to read the tide charts and understand what they meant in the end we just to pick a convenient time that was after church and before dinner. We didn’t get it right and the boys had to go out really far into the ocean to get deep enough. They were lucky to have strong dads to carry them!

Once Hayden was settled in the water things seemed to really calm down and we were able to hear the prayer and watched as Hayden was put under water. His leg floated up, perhaps due to the current, or salt water, or his anxiousness to get out, who knows. So they got to do it a second time and it went smoothly. Tom then carried Hayden back to the waiting dry towel. Then I got to snuggle him to warm him up while we watched his friend be baptized.
While they all went to change we moved up off the beach and to a covered pavilion for the rest of the service. We felt very loved and there were a lot of families in attendance so we all sat and sang primary songs while we waited for the boys.
Hayden said he had a great day. He got to choose chocolate chip pancakes for lunch and pizza for dinner and all his friends came to the baptism. Once the girls were in bed I sat with him for a while and we talked and he said it felt good. Most of all he said he was surprised that he didn't feel cold when he went under the water. He was so worried but he said he just felt warm. It was wonderful for me to be able to see Hayden take these important steps and I felt so proud to be his mom. At the same time I am overwhelmed at the responsibility to care for someone so important. He truly is amazing and has the potential to be anyone he wants to be. I want him to stay little forever but as he inevitably grows up I look forward to seeing the young man he will become!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Earthquake and Tsunami
I know a few people have been wondering about things down here in Okinawa so I thought I would type up a quick report. Fortunately, we are doing well and have been physically unaffected by the quake. We did not feel it and although most of our friends were evacuated from their homes due to the tsunami warning, we live on higher ground so they all came here and spent the night. I curse our big hill every time I am coming home from a run or bike ride but it was a blessing that night! The tsunami did not hit and they were able to go home on Saturday.
The command released an official statement today saying we are not yet in any danger due to radiation and they will continue to monitor it very closely but do not expect it to be a problem as we are still a safe distance away.
In fact, we are such a "safe" distance they have extended the invitation to those families living on military bases up in mainland Japan who would like to relocate, to come here. Families on mainland Japan are being allowed to relocate but that option is not extended to us. In fact, just the opposite. They are not allowing any families to PCS (move) out or in.... so it will be interesting as all the families with orders to move try to figure out if they really can. That does include us, hopefully they will want us out of here soon to make room for the mainland families moving down but we'll see.
In the meantime, we are very thankful to be safe and continue to pray for the many, many people who are experiencing such heartache and loss at this time. Lots of people from here have gone up to help and we wish them the best! We'll try to take care of their families as best we can while they are gone. Men who were scheduled to come home are now staying out longer and I feel the strain that puts on their wives and kids. Pilots who were supposed to come home and been rerouted up north. One woman is about to have a baby and her husband was supposed to be home in time and now will not as his ship has turned and headed up north. So yes, we didn't feel the quake but we certainly feel its aftermath.
The command released an official statement today saying we are not yet in any danger due to radiation and they will continue to monitor it very closely but do not expect it to be a problem as we are still a safe distance away.
In fact, we are such a "safe" distance they have extended the invitation to those families living on military bases up in mainland Japan who would like to relocate, to come here. Families on mainland Japan are being allowed to relocate but that option is not extended to us. In fact, just the opposite. They are not allowing any families to PCS (move) out or in.... so it will be interesting as all the families with orders to move try to figure out if they really can. That does include us, hopefully they will want us out of here soon to make room for the mainland families moving down but we'll see.
In the meantime, we are very thankful to be safe and continue to pray for the many, many people who are experiencing such heartache and loss at this time. Lots of people from here have gone up to help and we wish them the best! We'll try to take care of their families as best we can while they are gone. Men who were scheduled to come home are now staying out longer and I feel the strain that puts on their wives and kids. Pilots who were supposed to come home and been rerouted up north. One woman is about to have a baby and her husband was supposed to be home in time and now will not as his ship has turned and headed up north. So yes, we didn't feel the quake but we certainly feel its aftermath.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Overdue Update
I can't see a cartoon like this and not think of our family:

Well we are way behind and have enjoyed so many updates from everyone I figure it’s time we share!
In January we went to this bull fight. It's not the type you might think, it's where the bulls fight each other. They moved very slowly and were somewhat controlled by their handlers. Very odd... there was more dancing between matches than actual action. Made for an interesting night anyway!

Hayden: He was supposed to have a big and special day this past month. His baptism, into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was scheduled for Feb. 12th but had to be postponed due to the weather. Here in Okinawa most people are baptized in the ocean and Hayden decided he wanted to do that also. However, on the 12th the wind was so bad that the season conditions were at their highest warning level (Red) and no one was allowed out in the water. Tom drove out to the beach just to make sure and saw the waves crashing right into the cove we had planned to use. So we have to wait. He has a good friend who turned 8 just a few weeks after he did so they want to get baptized on the same day. Unfortunately, his friends dad went out of town right after the 12th and won’t be back for a while so the baptism has been rescheduled for March 19th or 20th. We’re really hoping for decent weather!
Third grade is working out very for well for him and other than “cursing cursive” all the time he enjoys it. He fits in well with the kids and is really happy at school and enjoys the freedom and flexibility of being “older.” We’ve had a few instances of getting ready for school and him suddenly remembering an assignment he didn’t do and freaking out about how it will affect his grade. In second grade I had a list of his homework for the week. Now he is on his own and it’s a learning curve to be sure. He was chosen for the third grade spelling bee and had fun with that. He didn't want to practice the technique of saying the word and then spelling it and saying it again and in the end that's what got him. After making it a few rounds he spelled the word right but had forgotten to say it first so they cut him out. It was funny to watch him trying to reach the microphone set for the generally taller third graders!
He’s been grouchier at home and when I ask him about it he says it’s the stress at school and the fact that I want him to do more chores at home. However, when we really sat down and talked about how he is feeling it seems manageable, he’s just not used to having to work at anything and it’s an adjustment to have to actually try to do cursive and multiplication. Fortunately, he complains to me and drives me crazy but then he gets it done and is still at the top of the class where he likes to be. Basketball ended and now he’s started soccer, I look forward to a lot of fun time running around outside! That always makes everyone feel better!
Danica: When she turned 5 she advanced in gymnastics to a class where they are grouped by skill. She did so well on her first day that she was invited to join the Firecrackers. A group of serious girls who meet twice a week and work on more advanced skills. I was excited for Danica and we went and watched the Firecrackers practice one day and Danica liked it so forked over the money and signed up. We knew Dani would be the youngest and at the bottom of the class but the coach felt she had the potential and teachability to do it. Unfortunately, it turned out to be very overwhelming for Danica. She was intimidated by the number of girls, the fact that they were all bigger and older and could do thing better than her. She was afraid to do the things she knew how to do for fear they would laugh (even though they were all very nice) and a few times she got brave and tried something new but it didn’t always go well and she would end up in tears. She started to hate gymnastics and I hated taking her and fighting with her to go out on the floor and try things. The other mothers must have thought I was so mean making my daughter cry all the time not knowing that I only have to frown at her to make her cry. She got to the point where she wouldn’t even go stretch with the girls because she couldn’t do the splits as well as some of them...ugh...what was I doing wrong? It was a tough parenting time for me as I had to come to terms with the reality that she has her agency and I can’t force her to do it even if I know she is capable. If she doesn’t want to “try” then there is nothing I can do. So we transferred back into a preschool level class, a small one for advanced preschoolers. She was timid the first day and we ended up needing to say a prayer right there in the gym to give her the courage to go out and join her class of three other little girls but once out there she warmed up quickly and loved being the biggest, oldest and best in the class... I hate to regress and waste the time and money but at least she’s happy.
She also started soccer...that’s going to be interesting as well...first it was a fight over what to wear. She didn't think her pants were cute enough. Then she was so nervous she wouldn’t get out of the car at the first practice. I’ve learned that I need to explain in great detail everything that is going to happen... “the coach will call the team together, he’ll tell you to kick the ball, then...” and that seems to help a lot. Tom took her shopping for some cute pink Addidas pants she loves and in the end she did fine at yesterday's practice. I don’t know why she is so afraid of the world. Maybe it goes back to the c-section 2 weeks early....she was so shocked when she was suddenly pulled out of my stomach by her feet that she didn’t breath at first. I hope some day to help her have the confidence she deserves! She is so smart and capable, I don’t know why she is so afraid. A few weeks ago she was asked to share the scripture in primary. I was so proud of her because when we practiced she could actually read the verse all by herself and was very excited. Luckily, on Sunday, after nearly chickening out she was finally willing to read it in Primary, so quiet that no one could hear her but at least she did it!!
Alyssa: Her new nickname is “toothless.” Her other front tooth was removed in preparation for getting her fake teeth. The tooth was loose and bothering Alyssa so although she didn’t love the experience of having it removed she behaved really well and was happy afterward. She looks a little funny but adorable at the same time. She says the funniest stuff all the time, she has a great sense of humor and loves to make jokes. She reminds me a lot of Hayden without all his intense anger he had as a 3 year old. It’s nice. The other day we took the kids to the daycare for the free parent’s day out and Danica was in tears and just sobbing because she was afraid to go. Alyssa put her arm around her and said “Danica, don’t worry, I’ll be with you.” That about sums her up.
She’s obsessed with ballet and wears leotards and tutus all day every day. She loves her ballet class and is working hard to learn the dance for her recital. It’s so cute to see her try so hard to follow the teachers directions. Such a contrast to how she was in gymnastics where she didn’t want to try anything!! She’s found her love.
Tom: The big news is that he is finally scuba dive certified!!!! It’s been his dream for years and it’s so great he’s finally done it! I was lucky enough to tag along and got my certification as well so that some day we can go on trips and cruises together and enjoy diving! It was a great experience and so surreal to be down there swimming with the coral and all the fish. We did private lessons so it was just Tom and I with the instructor, a great lady who was a patient of his. The first day I didn't have enough weight on me and kept floating up so Tom had to hold my hand as we swam around, it was great! Tom just kept saying how much he couldn’t believe it and had that look of excitement constantly in his eyes!! Now he’s pursuing getting deep water certified, he’s definitely hooked!
He’s spending all the rest of his free time running, biking and looking at houses online while reading “Mortgages for Dummies.” We get so excited and so nervous about buying a house and wanting to find the right one!
Tracey: We made the decision to pull the girls out of preschool so I could spend more time with them. They liked it there but I felt like I had all these ideas of games to play and activities to do but never had the time to do it. Even with only three days a week I was always running out the door to drop them off or pick them up and then feed them lunch and take a nap, and then the day is over. It’s been fun having them home and we are enjoying the together time. Our preschool time isn’t perfect, we have arguments about who goes first, who gets to do what, etc. but we’re working out the kinks and enjoying it. I am sure I’ll miss my “me” time but that’s okay, I’ll find other ways to get it! We plan to use the extra free time for more island exploring as well! There are parks and beaches with our names on them! Friday we're going to the zoo!
Time here is winding down and we have a lot we want to do here and a lot we are looking forward to. It’s going to be a fun three months!!!

Well we are way behind and have enjoyed so many updates from everyone I figure it’s time we share!
In January we went to this bull fight. It's not the type you might think, it's where the bulls fight each other. They moved very slowly and were somewhat controlled by their handlers. Very odd... there was more dancing between matches than actual action. Made for an interesting night anyway!
Hayden: He was supposed to have a big and special day this past month. His baptism, into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was scheduled for Feb. 12th but had to be postponed due to the weather. Here in Okinawa most people are baptized in the ocean and Hayden decided he wanted to do that also. However, on the 12th the wind was so bad that the season conditions were at their highest warning level (Red) and no one was allowed out in the water. Tom drove out to the beach just to make sure and saw the waves crashing right into the cove we had planned to use. So we have to wait. He has a good friend who turned 8 just a few weeks after he did so they want to get baptized on the same day. Unfortunately, his friends dad went out of town right after the 12th and won’t be back for a while so the baptism has been rescheduled for March 19th or 20th. We’re really hoping for decent weather!
Third grade is working out very for well for him and other than “cursing cursive” all the time he enjoys it. He fits in well with the kids and is really happy at school and enjoys the freedom and flexibility of being “older.” We’ve had a few instances of getting ready for school and him suddenly remembering an assignment he didn’t do and freaking out about how it will affect his grade. In second grade I had a list of his homework for the week. Now he is on his own and it’s a learning curve to be sure. He was chosen for the third grade spelling bee and had fun with that. He didn't want to practice the technique of saying the word and then spelling it and saying it again and in the end that's what got him. After making it a few rounds he spelled the word right but had forgotten to say it first so they cut him out. It was funny to watch him trying to reach the microphone set for the generally taller third graders!
He’s been grouchier at home and when I ask him about it he says it’s the stress at school and the fact that I want him to do more chores at home. However, when we really sat down and talked about how he is feeling it seems manageable, he’s just not used to having to work at anything and it’s an adjustment to have to actually try to do cursive and multiplication. Fortunately, he complains to me and drives me crazy but then he gets it done and is still at the top of the class where he likes to be. Basketball ended and now he’s started soccer, I look forward to a lot of fun time running around outside! That always makes everyone feel better!
Danica: When she turned 5 she advanced in gymnastics to a class where they are grouped by skill. She did so well on her first day that she was invited to join the Firecrackers. A group of serious girls who meet twice a week and work on more advanced skills. I was excited for Danica and we went and watched the Firecrackers practice one day and Danica liked it so forked over the money and signed up. We knew Dani would be the youngest and at the bottom of the class but the coach felt she had the potential and teachability to do it. Unfortunately, it turned out to be very overwhelming for Danica. She was intimidated by the number of girls, the fact that they were all bigger and older and could do thing better than her. She was afraid to do the things she knew how to do for fear they would laugh (even though they were all very nice) and a few times she got brave and tried something new but it didn’t always go well and she would end up in tears. She started to hate gymnastics and I hated taking her and fighting with her to go out on the floor and try things. The other mothers must have thought I was so mean making my daughter cry all the time not knowing that I only have to frown at her to make her cry. She got to the point where she wouldn’t even go stretch with the girls because she couldn’t do the splits as well as some of them...ugh...what was I doing wrong? It was a tough parenting time for me as I had to come to terms with the reality that she has her agency and I can’t force her to do it even if I know she is capable. If she doesn’t want to “try” then there is nothing I can do. So we transferred back into a preschool level class, a small one for advanced preschoolers. She was timid the first day and we ended up needing to say a prayer right there in the gym to give her the courage to go out and join her class of three other little girls but once out there she warmed up quickly and loved being the biggest, oldest and best in the class... I hate to regress and waste the time and money but at least she’s happy.
She also started soccer...that’s going to be interesting as well...first it was a fight over what to wear. She didn't think her pants were cute enough. Then she was so nervous she wouldn’t get out of the car at the first practice. I’ve learned that I need to explain in great detail everything that is going to happen... “the coach will call the team together, he’ll tell you to kick the ball, then...” and that seems to help a lot. Tom took her shopping for some cute pink Addidas pants she loves and in the end she did fine at yesterday's practice. I don’t know why she is so afraid of the world. Maybe it goes back to the c-section 2 weeks early....she was so shocked when she was suddenly pulled out of my stomach by her feet that she didn’t breath at first. I hope some day to help her have the confidence she deserves! She is so smart and capable, I don’t know why she is so afraid. A few weeks ago she was asked to share the scripture in primary. I was so proud of her because when we practiced she could actually read the verse all by herself and was very excited. Luckily, on Sunday, after nearly chickening out she was finally willing to read it in Primary, so quiet that no one could hear her but at least she did it!!
Alyssa: Her new nickname is “toothless.” Her other front tooth was removed in preparation for getting her fake teeth. The tooth was loose and bothering Alyssa so although she didn’t love the experience of having it removed she behaved really well and was happy afterward. She looks a little funny but adorable at the same time. She says the funniest stuff all the time, she has a great sense of humor and loves to make jokes. She reminds me a lot of Hayden without all his intense anger he had as a 3 year old. It’s nice. The other day we took the kids to the daycare for the free parent’s day out and Danica was in tears and just sobbing because she was afraid to go. Alyssa put her arm around her and said “Danica, don’t worry, I’ll be with you.” That about sums her up.
She’s obsessed with ballet and wears leotards and tutus all day every day. She loves her ballet class and is working hard to learn the dance for her recital. It’s so cute to see her try so hard to follow the teachers directions. Such a contrast to how she was in gymnastics where she didn’t want to try anything!! She’s found her love.
Tom: The big news is that he is finally scuba dive certified!!!! It’s been his dream for years and it’s so great he’s finally done it! I was lucky enough to tag along and got my certification as well so that some day we can go on trips and cruises together and enjoy diving! It was a great experience and so surreal to be down there swimming with the coral and all the fish. We did private lessons so it was just Tom and I with the instructor, a great lady who was a patient of his. The first day I didn't have enough weight on me and kept floating up so Tom had to hold my hand as we swam around, it was great! Tom just kept saying how much he couldn’t believe it and had that look of excitement constantly in his eyes!! Now he’s pursuing getting deep water certified, he’s definitely hooked!
He’s spending all the rest of his free time running, biking and looking at houses online while reading “Mortgages for Dummies.” We get so excited and so nervous about buying a house and wanting to find the right one!
Tracey: We made the decision to pull the girls out of preschool so I could spend more time with them. They liked it there but I felt like I had all these ideas of games to play and activities to do but never had the time to do it. Even with only three days a week I was always running out the door to drop them off or pick them up and then feed them lunch and take a nap, and then the day is over. It’s been fun having them home and we are enjoying the together time. Our preschool time isn’t perfect, we have arguments about who goes first, who gets to do what, etc. but we’re working out the kinks and enjoying it. I am sure I’ll miss my “me” time but that’s okay, I’ll find other ways to get it! We plan to use the extra free time for more island exploring as well! There are parks and beaches with our names on them! Friday we're going to the zoo!
Time here is winding down and we have a lot we want to do here and a lot we are looking forward to. It’s going to be a fun three months!!!
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