We went to a branch party on Friday night and the kids got to wear costumes. We tried to get Alyssa to be a witch but she insisted on being a princess like Danica...cute girls!
It rained every day for the last week. It rained A LOT! We still needed to our long run, 15 miles, on Thursday, so I wrapped my iPod in Glad Press n’ Seal to keep it dry. We were soaked but it worked great!! Sadly the run didn’t go well for me. My knee has been acting up and it was extremely painful during the run, causing me even to walk some. I feel like an idiot because from what I have self diagnosed it is my own fault for not cross training well. It seems I have standard "runners knee." I got so into the running and was so busy that I didn’t worry much about the cross training. As the miles went up my time for cross training went down...the opposite of what I should have been doing. I knew better, but didn’t really realize what I was doing and I felt great so I figured it didn't matter. Now I’m paying for it...I have just less than 2 weeks and my knee hurts all the time. My plan is to quit running and just spend my time on the exercise bike, elliptical, and in the pool. Instead of getting up early to run this morning I got up early and hit the exercise bike at the gym...not very satisfying but hopefully it will help.
Lastly, saw this huge snake, dead, on the road while we were driving home the other day...ugh...I like to pretend the snakes aren’t really nearby but we saw a snake skin on our driveway last week, and then this...I really do like it here...mostly...